Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Royal pink choker

I think I made a jump forwards again! I am really proud of this piece! I promise that I will make more in this style (and other colors! more gothy or steampunk versions.), and that I'll push myself forward to make my work even BETTER!

Something else going trough my head: Fashion designing.. well you know, already for a while. I thought first to do it in Syntra, because I was afraid to go to an artschool again. And college is quite difficult you know. But looking at the website of the academy of Antwerp, my goal is still to create GREAT pieces. And I'm afraid that syntra gives not enough support for that (in antwerp you learn for example how to make hats and shoes O.o). You also learn to imitate a historical costume, and I think that is really helpfull for what I want to do. So I'm going to the opendoordays, and see if it is something for me.
I cross my fingers to find what I really want to do. Going to work isn't that much an option in times of economical depression.

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