Sunday, March 17, 2013

Life of an artist part 2

Making decisions is one of the hardest things in life I think. I can't sometimes even make decisions for smaller things. But on the other hand, I am sometimes: I want it like this and not else!

I am always afraid when I make a decision that I make the wrong one. That's what happening now again with fashion school. What if it's again nothing for me? What if it will be again too arty farty? I want to do MY thing.
On the other hand I still like drawing. And today I made a little book for school and I was supprised that I let myself do something that does not fit into what I'm used to do. So I'm never sure how much I should let myself influence by others. I just want to be proud of what I make (and get recognition). And I'm alsou doubting: should I keep it for the assignment, or keep it for atelier...

That goes for fashion aswell. I like influences by other designers like dolce&gabbana, McQueen,... But I don't want to be influenced by fashion that is absolutely not my taste. Or like I would say it: something I'd not wear (no matter how weird or normal it is).
And I keep on thinking.. Will I make the right choice? Is fashion what I really want? Or is it art? Or am I in both not strong enough? I am afraid to fail.

Uncertainities, it's a big part of an artist life :)

Also something I'm doubting about.. should I get my two blogs (art and fashion) together? Because now I'm even putting personal shit in it! :P (sorry guys!)
And it would be great if my readers interacted more with me.

I also want to advertise for other designers out there! So if you are interested in that, you can leave a comment ;-)

1 comment:

Nele Custers said...

Just do your own thing, what you like, what you want, put your blogs together I think it would be better :)

And about influence, influence is not a bad thing, unless it goes as far as copying, then it's a bad thing :)