Thursday, July 21, 2011

If I were a rich girl...

First of all, I'm going to nag a bit about being bored.
Because my parents got home from their holiday, I got to clean up the whole house. My jewelery supplies where laying everywhere. Because my mother is a clean freak, I'm afraid to lay something on the ground to work on (yes, I always work on the floor!) or she will say that I have to clean it up because she can't pass. Blegh!
I'm also a bit in need of new materials, but since I spend already a lot on it, I can't buy anything new yet :(
I'd love to make a real website with my jewelery on, but I think I'm not ready for it yet. I need more things first.

I really hate all the money thing. I wish I could win euromilions. And if I did, i would know immediately what kind of house I want and how to design the interior of it!
I would buy a little mansion, or a little castle, that would be full of antique furniture! I found already my choice on I think I just can't afford it, since a closed will probably 1000-2000euro and more... And I didn't even talk about the mansion yet.

For giving an example of how I want it: Kato's ( house looks great! It has also a bit of a steampunk influence. I especially love the reddish walls and the great curtains, which she made herself.


Another steampunk home which looks very curious to me is this one:
That man has some great ideas, especially for covering the new technologie in a more antique home (the tv and dvdplayer in the stove)

Back to the furnishing of Houtroos, I really want a bedroom like this:

They are both not put together, that's why it doesn't really looks like a bedroom. I went there once for looking for a new bedroom, but they where all too big because I live under the roof :(

And when I can find somewhere a cheap second hand lamp, I would definitely transform it in something like this:



Tenebris In Lux said...

Oh money ..

I find that I always work on the floor, too. I have experimented with making steampunk jewelry before (there's a post on it on my blog), but my main medium is watercolor. Therefore, there is a ton of paint splatters on the carpet in my room!

Any sort of artistic hobby can get quite pricey .. :-/ But if you mentioned selling some of your work, you *can* make quite a bit of money!

xNatje said...

When I paint, my mother also complains about: you are going to ruin my carpet! But I just can't work on a table! I work with acrlyics, and if these stick to carpets.. or even worse: ink!

I think any hobby is expensive, except sleeping :P
Selling some of my work doesn't really bring much money. Not enough to pay all the costs.